Mexico | RED

About Us

Bringing God's Hope
into Dark Places

Mexico-RED is the public-facing name in the U.S. and Mexico for Children of the Americas, which is a registered 501(c)(3) Religious Non-Profit organization (DBA Americas Children and Mexico RED). We depend on public donations to continue working with the children and families trapped in areas of Mexico where poverty, drug & alcohol addiction, and trafficking are rampant. We receive support from individual donors and church partners who directly provide donations and/or partner with us by sending supplies and teams.

We take our mission and all the support we receive to minister to street children and their families very seriously, keeping our administrative and fundraising expenses to a minimum.

Lives Reached monthly
+ 0

To donate to our general fund or make a designated donation specifically for Keith & Maya Durkin, our child education programs, or food and other resources (Mercy Ministry) please check out Ways to Partner section by clicking the “Partner Now” button below.

To learn more about our team and leadership, select the “Our Team” button for more information.


We will provide financial information for any donor or prospective donor who requests it. Feel free to select the “Contact Us” button below to inquire about our current financial standing.