Mexico | RED

Serve on Staff

our staff will testify that serving with mexico red has been a life-changing experience! if you are looking for a place to serve as a long-term missionary or ministry volunteer, review the STORIES and information on this page which highlight various areas of opportunity and service on our ministry staff team.

Stories from the Streets

When talking about their experience serving at Mexico RED, almost every one of our staff has testified of their journey of growth and transformation as they serve the people of the streets. The overall theme we have heard is "I came to Mexico RED and Zona Norte with a heart to serve others, but ended up facing my own brokenness -- I encountered Jesus in a fresh way and He healed me."
Often we seek to do ministry and missions in places like Tijuana thinking about how we can serve the hurting and lost. In the end, though, Jesus has a journey for us and during this service, we encounter Him -- His grace, His love, His healing, and His joy.

Areas for Staff Service and Opportunity:

Zona Norte Center Ministry & Logistics

A key area of service and support for staff is coordinating the ministry and logistics needs at our Zona Norte center. We serve 3500+ meals a month to adults, families, and children as well as offer special outreach events.  This requires staff committed to planning, food preparation, people management, resource distribution, and other support activities. These center events also open the door for ministry and prayer for those struggling on the streets. Your contribution and presence allow you to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus to hurting people.

Child Education & Family Programs

Many of our staff have come to us with a background in child education, being experienced teachers and educators. If you have a heart and the skills to teach, the child education program provides critical education to street children who may have no other avenues for learning.  Our program is an opportunity to share the gospel with children and their parents and families as discipleship is at the core of our educational strategy. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in serving on staff and have experience to offer to our child education program.

Team & Hospitality Coordination

Mexico RED relies greatly on mission teams and churches who provide a helping hand to the work we are doing in Zona Norte. We have staff opportunities to help coordinate the activities of these teams and work with them in the planning before they arrive, for transportation, activities, and hospitality when they are onsite, and then follow up with them to unpack their overall experience – all of which helps to strengthen our short-term team program.  This area is a great opportunity for those with bilingual skills and/or who can traverse the border between Mexico and the U.S. 

Ministry Media & Communications

For those who have Spanish and/or bilingual skills and are experienced with managing media such as video and photography (including editing), and website and social media development, these skills can contribute to this vital communication area for Mexico RED.  Several of our staff commit a portion of their time to updating our email newsletters and/or creating updates for our Facebook and website.  These communication channels are vital to keeping partners, churches, and various support communities updated on Mexico RED news, events, and prayer needs.

What is Required to Serve on Staff?

Be a committed Christian and have the support of your local church: To consider you, we would like to hear your testimony and your faith journey as Christian believers, and your commitment to our statement of faith. We will also explore your commitment to a local church and how it supports you in your pursuit to serve in missions and ministries.

Evaluate your suitability for the ministry context: Serving in the Mexico RED context is often difficult and involves certain risks: Zona Norte, where our community center is located, is Tijuana’s epicenter for homeless people, drug users, prostitution, and urban decay. We will need to discuss topics such as your past ministry experience, the skills you offer or are developing, and areas of spiritual maturity and mental health such as resiliency and the ability to cope with a gritty urban environment.

Understand your financial support needs: Some staff members are fully funded missionaries through their churches and mission organizations; others receive a stipend from Mexico RED. It will be important to understand your expectations and needs regarding finances, living arrangements, transportation, and what current resources you will rely on during your service with our ministry.

If you think you would like to get involved by joining the México RED staff, please click the button below to contact us.