Mexico | RED

Meet Our Mexico RED - Zona Norte Leadership & Team

Daniela Contreras

Executive Director - Zona Norte Ministry

Daniela is our Executive Director providing leadership to our Zona Norte ministry program. She leads, coordinates, and directs the strategy, planning, and administrative areas for all our outreach services and for Zona Norte staff and volunteers. She also oversees procurement, logistics and finances. She’s a multitalented, indispensable leader on our team.

Paulina Galaz

Teacher & School Support Program Coordinator

Paulina, a primary school teacher in our Zona Norte program, has experience with preschool and special needs students. She excels at connecting with the children and their families. Additionally, as Coordinator of the School Support Program, she helps disadvantaged and migrant children get access to education through the Mexico RED Zona Norte programs.

Natalia Diaz

Teacher & Parent Communication

Natalia, the youngest member of our staff, serves as a teacher and manages critical communications with parents and external teachers. She also supports our team with her leadership, directing volunteers who come to serve each week. She contributes many talents to fulfill the diverse needs of the ministry.

Elvira Gonzalez

Kitchen Manager

Elvira is full of initiative and courage… her ability in the kitchen is evident. She works to feed our students and staff, in addition to handling the logistics of feeding hundreds and hundreds of our friends in Zona Norte. More than a simple cook, she adds a maternal touch as she cares for the students and staff of Mexico RED.

Eveling Aguirre

School Program Coordinator

Eveling is the pioneer of the school program at Mexico RED. Now she has the important job of coordinating and supervising the proper functioning of the different school programs. With her experience and love, she has been key in the manner in which we teach the children through the gospel. She also gives additional classes to the students that are working to advance to secondary school.

Rebeca López

Nurse & Hospitality Team Member

Rebeca joined our staff after being a faithful volunteer for a year. She has a servant´s heart and is always available to help in areas of need. As a nurse, she attends urgent medical needs of the people we serve in the streets. On days we serve community meals, she assists in hosting and directing teams in the kitchen. She also is a key hospitality team member for CASA RED.

Jalynn Baker

Media & School Support Associate

Jalynn moved from Tennessee to Mexico to join our team. She reflects a love for refugees, the outcasts, and the Zona Norte community, and uses her creativity to benefit both the team and the people we serve. She manages our social media and coordinates with visiting teams, while also supporting the school program with patience and love.

Catharina Verheij

Media & School Support Associate

Catharina, from the Netherlands, has been a global missionary and now serves with Mexico RED at Zona Norte, Tijuana. A former teacher, she's learning Spanish and works with the CASA RED Hospitality team and supports the kitchen team. She also serves as the contact for mothers of our school children who are seeking therapy.

Meet Our Ministry Leadership & Board

Keith & Maya Durkin

Keith Durkin serves as Executive Director – Mexico RED National Ministry. He and his wife, Maya have ministered in Mexico for over 30 years. Both have served as church planters, launched youth outreach, and developed feeding and community development programs. Maya has a background in both Christian and public education.

David W. Caldwell

Serving as the President of the Board of Directors, David has been involved as a lay leader in missions and ministry for over 35 years. He (and his wife, Elvia) have a long-time passion for ministry to the poor and children in Mexico and around the globe. David has served as a director at Compassion International, as a pastor, and has a Master's degree in Missiology from Denver Seminary.

Carol De Graff

Carol (and husband Terry) have served many decades in ministry. She is the Chief Financial Officer for Mexico RED and the Executive Director of Circle of Concern in Oceanside, CA -- a long-established missions and outreach ministry sending teams for over 30 years to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in Mexico.

Chris Marshall

Christopher serves with NOVO, a missionary group focused on catalyzing gospel movements in unreached regions worldwide. Prior to this role, he held the position of Vice President of Global Advancement at Kids Around the World, an organization aligned with Campus Crusade for Christ.