Mexico | RED

Your partnership, prayers and donations help us bring God's hope and light into dark places

Review the various options for praying and giving to Mexico RED below — as a partner with us you provide essential resources to our team to engage and rescue people and children from the streets of Tijuana and other similar locations in Mexico.

Support Mercy Ministry through Food And Resources

Partner through prayer and donations to support the food and resource needs of our Zona Norte center, for community outreach, evangelistic and holiday events, and the weekly feeding program at the Zona Norte center.
Support Mexico RED Ministry

Partner through prayer and donation to the overall Mexico RED ministry - our general funds are utilized to meet ministry operations, staffing, expansion, and ongoing outreach needs.
Help Lift Children & Families out of Poverty

Partner through prayer and donation to our child education programs. These funds also support our work to shift families and children off the streets and into better long-term living situations.
Partner with Keith & Maya

Partner through prayer and donation to the ongoing ministry of our leaders, Keith & Maya Durkin. These funds help support their financial needs as they lead the strategy and outreach of Mexico RED.

Important Donor Information

FOR LARGE DONATIONS please mail a check or contact our office for wire transfer information — this will help avoid steep transaction fees applied by the credit card service provider.
MAILING A CHECK: If you are mailing a check to our office address, please indicate your designation on a separate note when mailing a check (not on the check itself). Make checks payable to “Mexico RED”.
DONOR PRIVACY POLICY: Mexico RED values the contributions that our donors make to sustain our work. To protect the privacy of our donors and their special relationship with us, we maintain the following policies:
– We do not trade our donor lists with other organizations.
– We do not sell our donor lists to other organizations.
– We will contact donors prior to listing their names in our publications to solicit their consent and their preferred listing.
– We offer donors the option to be recognized anonymously.
– Donors may request that they not be solicited in the future.
– Donors may request not to receive mailings, such as our newsletter.

Stay Connected and Partner in Prayer with Us!

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