Mexico | RED

Reaching "the least of these" is at the heart of Mexico RED

Mexico RED is a ministry that networks with people, churches, and ministries who share a heart for Jesus and a passion to extend His love to "the least of these" trapped in dark places in Mexico. We seek to partner with God and our network of friends and partners, serving as ambassadors of His grace, to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel, and to see disciples raised from the ashes of dark streets riddled with people in desperate circumstances.


One of the key guiding attitudes that is self-evident for our staff and teams ministering to those people trapped on the streets of Zona Norte, Tijuana is to "Do everything in love." It is on their faces, their T-shirts and sweaters, it's visible in how they engage and talk to each person treating each one as a person "made in the image of God" who deserves grace, kindness, and dignity.

Networking with like-minded churches and ministries

RED means network in Spanish which underscores Mexico RED's foundation as a ministry outreach organization which seeks to partner with like-minded churches and ministries. We desire to engage pastors and ministry leaders who share the same values and beliefs, are dedicated to extending God’s Kingdom, who have a calling to reach the poor and marginalized, and are committed to expressing their leadership in life-giving, Christ-like characteristics.



“As we minister to the poor, we tell them about the one who became poor for our sake (2 Corinthians 8:9); as we offer food to the hungry, we speak of the bread of life (John 6:35); as we visit the sick and dying, we point to him who took our illnesses and bore our diseases (Matthew 8:17); and as we give cups of water to parched tongues, we tell them of him who said, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink’ (John 7:37).” Seth Porch, Bethlehem College & Seminary


We value loving, sincere, healthy relationships that are biblically based and which communicate dignity, hope, and charity (The Great commandment to love God and love our neighbor ~ Matthew 22:35-40).


We value sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to see lives transformed as they receive his grace and salvation. We joyfully obey His command to be witnesses of His mercy to others (The Great Commission ~Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20).


We value growing in our relationship with God and others by becoming the best followers and testimony of Jesus through our actions, the diversity of our gifts, and our callings (2 Timothy 2:2; 3:16-17, Acts 2:42).